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New Church Construction

Аppeal From The Clergy For Help With The Construction Of The New Church:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

We humbly ask everyone able, out of love for the Lord and neighbor, to help support our effort to erect a more spacious and accommodating church building.

For the first time in many years, our parish finds itself in the position to start the construction of a long-awaited and much-needed larger building, where we will offer up our prayers to the Lord for the forgiveness of sins and salvation; petition Him to grant health and longevity to us and our loved ones; ask Him to repose the souls of the dearly departed; and, most importantly, where the Holy Bloodless Sacrifice of Jesus Christ will be performed during the Divine Liturgy and His Sacred Gifts (Holy Communion) will be received. We hope that in this new church our children and grandchildren will be baptized, together with our friends and all who will have turned to Christ, perhaps, also those whom we do not yet know, but for the salvation of whom the will of God has already paved the way.

For the construction to start, our parish needs to secure a loan of $300,000. The bank we are working with has set us a number of conditions, and, only after we meet these, will we be able to receive this loan. One of these conditions is a consistent monthly accumulation of tithes and donations in the parish’s bank account.

It is clear that all of us have different incomes and life circumstances; therefore, we request, first and foremost, everyone’s prayers for God’s almighty Grace in obtaining this loan, and then we also ask all our current and future benefactors to contribute financially in accordance with their means.

St. Tikhon of Zadonsk says, “If you have much, give much. If you have little, give little. But always give from the heart.”

Likewise, the Holy Apostle Paul teaches us, “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9: 6-7).

We ask everyone who has the opportunity to make donations using checks made out to the Reigning Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church. Our PO box is:

Reigning Mother of God Russian Orthodox Church,
P.O. Box 821 Granite Quarry, NC 28072

Whoever prefers to donate cash is welcome to do so in person by visiting our parish at:

5310 Statesville Rd, Charlotte, NC 28269.

You can also make one time, or recurring payments via our PayPal.

We thank in advance everyone who will respond to our call for charitable contributions to our project.

May our Merciful Lord Jesus Christ bless everyone and may His Grace be with us all!

With love in Jesus Christ,

Archpriest Alexander Logunov, Rector
Archpriest Alexander Stepanenko